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Sleeping your way to good health?

Is that even a thing?

Turns out it is! Obviously it is not the whole picture and it is only one piece of the puzzle, but good sleep hygiene is an essential yet often overlooked aspect of health.

Sleep health itself is a compund concept that includes: sleep duration, sleep continuity, timing, alertness and sleep satisfaction. Its not only about clocking in the hours, its also ensuring the quality of your sleep is providng your body the time to rest, detoxify and reset.

Having good quality sleep is associated with several positive health outcome or benefits.

Here are some tips to help your mind and body slow down and prepare for sleep.

  1. Routine: Have a solid and standard bedtime routine. Try keep this as consistent as possible so your body knows what to expect. It may be helpful to have a warm bath with epsom salts an hour or two before bed and dim the lights in your home.

  2. Minimise screen time before bed. There is some evidence that exposure to blue light from electronic devices may influence circadian rhythms in such a manner hat can disrupt sleep.

  3. Chamomile tea, an age old recipe for calming and settling.

  4. Ensuring adequate intake of Magnesium may assist in calming the mind to help you switch off before bed. It may also assist you to sleep longer and feel more rested.

Good night, sleep tight

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